Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 2015

 School's out! Park time, Kayak time, fun time ahead!

 Family fun with dear friends...

 Impromptu rock band performance in our living room!

 WALKS! Did somebody say walk?
 Just trying to relax on the back porch...

 S. Illinois garden tour. On the rooftop at SIUC...

 Oh, Grandma...you ask a lot of questions!

 Hustle award at Terrier Basketball camp! Woo hoo!

 Holiday world - 3 nights of camping and having a ball with our friend, Ayden.

 Daddy is a champ at cooking over the fire!

 Do we really look happy?
 Golf cart high fives! Oh yeah - they got 74!!

 The beloved Sprite - long story - fun memory.
 Water wars with the neighbors...

 Golf cart parade...candy and sparklers - oh my!
 Sleeping on the way home from Clan of the Cave Kids camp. Fever - poor baby.
 Slept through Gma's birthday dinner, but she loved her Yoda bracelet and loves her Luke!

 Smoothie living.
 Facetime with me while I am in Champaign :)
 final couples book club...fun time with wonderful friends.
 4:30 start to the summer solstice with these 2 fabulous ladies!

 Cave In Rock adventure


 Freaking Gpa out on the ledge...Ohio River view