Saturday, August 17, 2013

Drawing a heart

Luke got a fun light up sword at the Balloon Fest tonight. At one point, Steve gave me a kiss & Luke said, 'stand next to each other so I can draw a heart'. We did. He drew a heart around us with his sword & it was pretty much the most heartwarming moment of my life.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Missing pieces

I go back to work tomorrow which means ordering a new blog book (yearbook) - here are a few random bits as the awesome summer break comes to a close...

Two cutest cousins ever :)

Joe Perry in the airport - really!!



Getting his first bucket of balls all by himself. Pivotal point in his life. He was so proud!

Cape Cod in pictures

Quick, but wonderful, visit with family and beautiful sights!


After a GREAT visit with Ellen, Mike & the chickens, we headed home. Always a good feeling! Got home in time to watch a tree fall on the new fence before bed & to de-skunk Star the next night! Life is good :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Cape Cod bound

Nothing like a ginormous lollipop to get you through a 3 hour flight :)

Checking the plane emergency manual, something that has become a tradition when he flies. He did yell 'WE'RE GOING DOWN!' when we were in the bathroom & just beginning our descent...and he was insistent that his voice had changed as we landed because his clogged ears made him sound different to himself. As we took off & landed, he would excitedly yell, 'I NEED GUM', too. Seasoned little traveler.

Big kid booster getting a first run...he thinks it is pretty cool!

And...a little rest for this sweetpea as Daddy fights traffic getting us to our family visit, especially Baby Violet.

Happy mom. Happy life! Especially sitting in the back with Luke pretending Steve is our driver. Really, it is pretty fun to call Steve 'Driver'.