Friday, March 8, 2013


Might have started with pancakes, bacon and snuggles (or even a popsicle first thing).

 Might have included a couple of chores done well. Fill the dog bowls & make your bed. He made it how he wanted to, and I was pleased.
 So was this dog...this dog that every other minute I wish would run away from home. Argh. Not really.
 He even built a secret pocket into his blankets and stored a remote and his medicine in it.
 Today might have included a trip to Cape's Nature Center which was EMPTY on the first day that it has felt like spring! We had a blast - especially after buying Luke a new pair of shoes since I forgot them when we left the house. Yeah. After we got the shoes, we were driving BACK to the center and Luke says, " I hope it isn't closed" cracked me up.

 Michelangelo? Luke thought it looked more like Donnie :)
 Today might have included practicing some 'calls' while we learned about hunting and fishing.

 We had to bring this home for Grandpa Nick. Luke asked what the brochure was about, I told him and he very seriously packed it for home knowing Gpa might need it.
 Today might have included a game of follow the leader on some great trails with Luke leading the way.


 He really thought hard at each crossroad...hmmmmm...
 Picking up litter, which turned out to be a map of the trail that we used!

 Even upside down, he had a plan all along.

 Today might have included some very welcome sunshine, some very wonderful laughs and some very real love. I felt like a mom all day long, and I loved every second of the time with my boy.

 Even when he brought me a pile of rocks and said that we should throw them at each other. I talked him into targeting a tree instead. Whew...
 Pretending to sleep even though he is cooked...this kid can FIGHT sleep like no other.

Today definitely contained a lot of JOY. I hugged Luke tight when I was carrying him for a minute today and I asked him what the moment was full of. He said 'nature'. Yes, nature and happiness. It felt like a day of living in the moment, and it was GREAT!

Not even hitting spell check. Going to bed with my little trail expert.